Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ryan's Baptism

Ryan was baptized by Rev. Robin Roderick when he was in the hospital at St. John's Mercy on May 5th 2009 with Chris and myself. But, since his sponsors were not present and we had not had a chance to present Ryan to our church, FUMC St. Charles, we wanted to bring him for a re-affirmation of that baptism today, June 14th. Ryan wore an outfit I bought for him this week and my mother embroidered his name and the date of his baptism on the outfit.
It is difficult to go anywhere with Ryan, and today of all days, we were regretting making the trip the entire way to the church because Ryan just couldn't seem to settle down. I had to suction him 4 times in the car ride over to the church alone. But... when we arrived and paraded all of our equipment and our family into the Sanctuary, a sense of peace set in and Ryan calmed down quickly.
A huge sigh overcame me. A sigh of relief and thankfulness that our son was in God's House on this day. Ryan was awake for the re-affirmation in which Chris and I dipped our hands into the Holy Water and placed them upon him. He cooed as Pastor Glen and Rev. Robin Roderick led the congregation in the service. The moment was magical, peaceful, perfect. After the baptism was done, we let Ryan rest his head in the pew of the church as that position is most comfortable for him. He slipped off into a peaceful slumber for the remainder of the service. The day couldn't have been more perfect. Many of our family members were present to help us celebrate and dedicate Ryan to his Eternal Father. We were thankful to have each and every one of them there. Matt Hawn and Kim Hawn, two of Chris' siblings, were the sponsors for Ryan.
Following the service, Rev. Roderick led the congregation in prayer and invited those who were able to come and surround our family during the prayer for Ryan. It was similar to another moment dear to my heart, when the congregation layed hands on Charlotte during prayer just a few days before her open heart surgery. Both moments were like a blur as the tears pouring from my eyes prevented me from knowing exactly who was standing around us. I clenched Chris' hand and placed one on our child, just as I had before. So much emotion filled my heart in those moments. But, I felt the power in the room, the love of Christ, and the power of healing with prayer. God's gifts are all around us every day.
Ryan, sleeping peacefully in the pew.

Matt & Kim - Ryan's sponsors

A quick picture of the three of us.

Sweet Dreams little boy - we love you so much.

The Hawns


Anonymous said...

The new pictures you posted are beautiful. Your children do have the most strikingly beautiful eyes. I just wanted to thank you for sharing such a difficult journey with everyone. Not only is the way you write so touching, but all of the thoughts and emotions that you share just really bring me back to what is so important in life. Your are truly a great teacher of what is beautiful in life. I don't think anyone could take such a painful situation and turn it into something uplifting and take each day and cherish it so deeply. Thank you for all you give and share. I know that your children are the biggest blessings in your life, but they could not have been given a more perfect mother than you. I pray for you to continue to find joy in each day you spend with them.
Becky Stang(James)

Sophie's Story by Elaine said...

I just came across your blog page from the trivia night flyer that was e-mailed to me. You have a beautiful family. It sounds like the ceremony will always hold a special place in your heart and I am happy for your family that it went so perfectly.

I have come to know and love another beautiful family whose daughter was diagnosed with SMA Type 1 ( that are huge advocates for increasing awareness of SMA that I thought you might be interested in getting to know if you already haven't.

I will continue to follow your blog and Ryan and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

I came across your blog through google alerts. I am a mother of a boy named Kyle, who has sma type 1 as well, but is now 4 1/2 yrs old. Kyle was diagnosed at 6 weeks of age and is thriving today! He does have lots of equipment but that's not who Kyle is. Kyle is a very smart boy, uses a computer to talk with, knows exactly what he wants and does amazing things everyday. He's so smart, he is skipping pre-k and going straight to kindergarten! I just wanted to say that there is hope and that there are things that can be done to help Ryan live if that's the path you want to choose. we live in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area, so you are not that far from us and I know several families who live in Missouri. My phone number is: 918-812-7092 and my email is

Please contact me if you would like.