Tuesday, August 28, 2007

New Friends

This is William August Heidt. He is my new friend. His mom's name is Kelly. She is the wife of a friend that Daddy works with. She has been reading my story for a LONG time now, and emailed Mommy the other day so William and I could play together. He is a little bit younger than me (just turned 7 months), but I sure do like a baby with SKILLS! He's got the braun and I am the brains (kind-of). You should see all of the things he can do. Crawl, sit without toppling over like me, pull up to stand and play with toys, coffee tables, or whatever is on the coffee table. He is dreamy. I had a great time at our play date the other day. I can't wait for William to teach me some of the skills he can do. I am doing great with the bottle thing and did some crawling at physical therapy today. Hopefully I will learn from him after I heal from surgery. Rumor is, I might get to go play at his house a couple of days a week. Sounds great to me!


P.S. William, you can call me Sharlie if you want to. It is my nick-name.

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