Tuesday, May 11, 2010

April News

Because my current schedule has allowed for little time for personal "journaling", I am quite behind. However, I am making an attempt to keep up... I went to visit my Mom & Dad the weekend after Charlotte had surgery (she went with me), and also got to visit with my Aunt Norma, who had flown in from Virginia Beach. It was a great trip, short but full of fun.

First, my Mom and Grandma took Charlotte and I to the local "Airport Restaurant". It was such a beautiful day so there were a lot of planes landing for a bite to eat. Charlotte loved watching them land and take-off and wasn't very interested in eating. I think she ate most of her meal standing on her chair so she could see out of the window, but what are you going to do???

Watching the final plane take off
Then, that evening, we went to my Grandma Davidson's for a family get-together. Dad (Grandpa) enjoying some playtime with his grandaughter.

Charlotte was very excited to play with her second cousins, Michael and Lexi. She and Lexi are close in age and are great playmates.

My Dad and Aunts and Uncles. Uncle Allan, Aunt Linda, Dad, and Aunt Norma.

Many of the Davidson clan, but not all...

Beautiful lilac bushes make for cute pictures with Grandpa

And pictures with Lexi

Nurse of the Month
Many of you know that I was nominated by Chris for a "Nurse of the Month" contest for the Chamberlain College of Nursing. Cool thing is, I WON!!! (thanks for all the votes) This is the representative of the college (right) and representative from the radio station (left) that brought my department lunch (we are in our breakroom) and then presented me with a plaque and a $250.00 gift certificate to a spa!! Really cool and I was very honored to win and receive the award.

My family was there to celebrate with me. Chris knew that it was much more than winning an award. He nominated me because he knows I really do care a lot about my patients and want to do whatever I can to make a positive impact on their experience, especially when it is challenging, much like my own has been.

That does it for April... now we can move on to May... time flies!

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