Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Morning at Home

Due to the large volume of pictures taken on Easter, there will be SEVERAL Easter postings. This was our Easter celebration at home. Charlotte had fun finding the eggs that the bunny hid. I am still surprised that we were able to get up, bathe both kids, find eggs, get dressed, eat breakfast/feed Ryan and open presents take pictures and still get to church on time. Wow, we CAN do this!

Opening their Easter baskets. I remember posing Charlotte similar to Ryan here on her first Christmas.

Ryan's close-up

The bendy bunny in her hand is similar to one I had when I was growing up. I remember liking it a lot and knew Charlotte would too...

Charlotte's bug car from Aunt Sara and Uncle Nathan

Definitely, Charlotte's favorite gift. She has worn her sunglasses for at least some portion of the day everday since Easter.

Glasses like those wouldn't be complete without her movie star microphone too: Since she loves to sing so much, we thought it was an appropriate gift.

My favorite!

Ryan will have more fun next year I hope:
The Hawns

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